This week a video featuring a cute little blonde girl grilling her sister went viral. Her mom tells Chloe and her sister that they are going to Disneyland. Overcome with excitement, Chloe's sister starts crying hysterically. Chloe on the other hands reaction is far more priceless:
Clearly she is not impressed. The internet is having WAY too much fun with this, putting little Chloe's sassy side eye on many different pictures. Here are some of my faves:
Recently, I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and I kept seeing my friends post these hilarious (what some would consider annoying) cartoon versions of themselves doing weird things. I decided I'd want to try it so I asked my friend Alyssa how she made it and she told me it was via an app called Bitstrips. Personally, I think Bitstrips are cool and a clever way to express how you're feeling but most people are just getting down right annoyed with the whole thing.
However, amongst all the Bitstrips hate, this blogpost is about celebrating the app and how fun and entertaining it can be. Some of the things they come up with are hilarious!! I'll show you some of my faves:
Bitstrips can be fun people.. not too mention they are so cute! Stop the hate, and don't for get to comment below :)!
This week a new meme hit the internet and lord knows I love my memes. "Overly Suave IT Guy" features a, what some would consider good looking, man sitting in front of a computer and giving you the business with his eyes. He fixes your computer and seduces you with some IT one liners. The internet is having WAY too much fun with this one, IT nerds especially. So what kinds of quips have they come up with? I'll list my faves here! (*Bear in mind some of these are fresh LOL)
Now I've managed to come up with two of my own... Let me know what you think!
*Comment Box below*
So last minute I decided to switch up the topic of my blog because I felt as though I didn't have the ability too speak on celeb scandals properly since I had no access to celebrities. Instead I'm gonna be writing about internet trends. If you are unsure what that means they are pretty much videos that go viral, or memes, or gifs, that people on the internet recreate for fun or laughs. So the format in which this blog is gonna go is, I'll show you the original video, picture, etc., then my favorite remakes, and finally I'll attempt a remake of my own.
Something that was sweeping the net this week and caught my eye is the #StarbucksDrakeHands video. Now, before I show you the video, let me give you a little back story. Guy meets girl at Starbucks parking lot and asks her for her number. She gives it to him, so he goes home and is excited that he bagged. Perhaps a little TOO excited because hours later he sends her probably the creepiest skeeviest video anyone has ever received on their phone. Def made me think twice about giving out my number to dudes. I feel like this would happen to me one day, and lets just say I AM NOT WITH IT! Anyway, so her guy friends puts the video online and then remade it, and other people copied. And so was the birth of #StarbucksDrakeHands.
Original Video-
Girl's Friend's Remake-
Baby Version-- Actually Adorable not Creepy
Kitty Starbucks Drake Hands!!--cuter than the last! (love kitties, babies not so much.. judge me idc)
Horse Mask-
Even Creepier- A Snooki Version
And perhaps the creepiest of all time, from Skeletor Himself: Larry King
AND NOW A CUTE ONE AGAIN- MINE!!! (lol jk it might not be cute, but if you dont think so, you're a butt)
Did I seduce you with my intense gaze and enticing smile? Lol jk jk
So yeah, LADIES BE WARNED! DO NOT! I REPEAT DO NOT! GIVE YOUR NUMBER TO GUYS IN STARBUCKS PARKING LOTS! Unless you are into getting creeper videos on your phone :D
Want to see more? You can check out a compilation video here. Oh and dont forget to share and comment people!